Over 24,000 Acres of Encroached Forest Land Restored in Past 3 Years


The Minister of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, Shahab Uddin, announced that from October 2020 to August 2023, the current government has successfully reforested 24,322 acres of encroached forest land.

He emphasized that this positive trend of reclaiming illegal forest land is ongoing, and action will continue against those who occupy forest land without valid documents.

The environment minister made these remarks while unveiling a newly created mural of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, in the Dokhla Range of Madhupur National Park in Tangail, as part of the Ecotourism Development and Sustainable Management Project on October 7.

The Minister of Environment also highlighted that our country currently has 22.37 percent forest land, which he believes should be increased to 25 percent. To achieve this goal, he called upon the general public to collaborate with the government.

He further stated that by raising public awareness, we can reduce illegal encroachments and encourage people to plant trees. He requested the support of the media in spreading this message.